How YouTuber Make Money

Having more than 2 billion registered users each day, YouTube is the top-ranked video platform in the world. Many businesses already using it for marketing videos. And some of them may even browse content for helpful tutorials or information. But it can also be a source of revenue.
Content creators, companies, and influencers make lots of money on YouTube each day. But the exact amount changes based on numerous factors

How do you make money from YouTube?

There are some takeaways from the Forbes list putting aside the millions of dollars made and gained subscribers.
First, YouTube channels will be monetized even if you don’t have millions of subscribers. Your earning potential isn’t set solely by the views you have and the number of subscribers but also by the level of engagement you create the niche you cater to and the earning channels you explore. That is not to say that subscriber count doesn’t matter.
Second, top 10 earners might give you the impression that the millions of dollars made comes directly from YouTube. In fact, each of these channels has its own line of merchandise. These channels built and found their audiences first before launching their own merchandise.

How to get started earning money on Youtube

If you want to earn from YouTube you need to be very unique. Before you start posting videos on YouTube just think about what you want to build with your channel. What type of followers do you want to gain? What kind of message do you want to put into the world?

Whatever message you have chosen to create always make sure that it can help you stand out from the gathering. For instance, the Clever Girl Finance YouTube channel offers unique content geared towards women that want to improve their finances. Check it out to start thinking of your own new creative ideas.

Once you start posting videos with an aim for some basic metrics. The first major milestone is to hit 1,000 subscribers. After hitting 1K you can aim for 4,000 hours of watched video in the past year. That will help you get started with some ad revenue as well.

How to get paid on YouTube

  • Connect to Google AdSense
  • Sell products or services to viewers
  • Turn to crowdfunding
  • Meet up with fans in the real world
  • Check out YouTube Premium
  • Use product placement and video sponsorship
  • Apply for the YouTube Partner Program

Apply for the YouTube Partner Program

What is the YouTube Partner Program?

You must apply for & be accepted into the YouTube Partner Program to make money.
To become a partner you must meet these requirements:

  • You must live in an eligible area.
  • You need to link a Google AdSense
  • Your videos must abide by the site’s advertising guidelines and have more than 4,000 valid public watch hours within the last 12 months.
  • You need crossing 1,000 subscribers.

The more videos you will have the easier it is to reach the viewing-hours threshold. High-quality, entertaining videos are more liked by people to get views so it pays to put effort into production and planning.
Once you completed all the requirements, you can apply to it by clicking into your profile and navigating to the “monetization” section.
As a partner, you can earn money through membership perks, ads, and features like Super Chat, which lets viewers pay to have their messages highlighted during a live stream.
By the YouTube Partner program, you may also access the Creator Support team. These team members can give you tips for using YouTube and help you troubleshoot issues with your account guide you through copyright guidelines and more.

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